Phillip Pool - Community Survey Update

13 April 2023
Phillip Pool is a key community asset the community wants retained and improved.
A big thank you to all Murrumbidgee residents who took the time to respond to the Phillip Pool survey earlier this year. We had 127 respondents who took the time to tell us their views and recommend improvements to the site.
Of those who responded an overwhelming 100% supported the retention of a pool in Woden, with many writing to me of the fond memories the site held for them as well as concerns they had about the site’s redevelopment. Many also provided some fantastic, and somewhat creative recommendations for improvement!
Pool users reveal what they want they want future facilities to look like.
Overwhelmingly users of the pool want to retain the current 50m length of the swimming lane and are very supportive of keeping a toddler pool on site.
The community sees value in both an indoor and outdoor pool, with a 50/50 spilt in the survey responses.
Additional respondents called for free and adequate parking, as well as access to learn to swim services on-site.
Woden Valley residents have some big ideas for the future of the site.
“Best memories of school holidays were spent in that kids pool” wrote one resident.
“Modern change rooms and showers” one respondent said. “A heated pool where those with injuries or arthritis etc. can walk and regain mobility, strength and flexibility,” said another.
One pool user called for a complete overhaul of the site entirely “Canberra would benefit from a large indoor, all year-round recessional aquatic centre with an emphasis on waterslides, wave pools, lagoon, pool cinema and bar, water play areas, spas and hot springs, and themed pools.”
Whilst waterslides and themed pools might not quite make it into the plans for Phillip pool, I am calling on GEOCON to work collaboratively with the community and ACT Government to ensure that Woden has a public pool that is open and accessible to the community.
The community wants GEOCON to work collaboratively with the community.
Respondents took the opportunity to voice their concerns over a lack of communication and consultation between developer giant GEOCON and the community.
The community has called on GEOCON to work collaboratively with the community and ACT Government under the new proposed planning system reforms to continue to provide an open and accessible community asset.
I have echoed the community’s calls and requested a meeting with GEOCON and have put a submission into the ACT Planning System Review and Reform Project.
While the ACT’s planning system is under review, now is the perfect time to call on GEOCON to work with the ACT on providing community facilities.
At the time of writing (13 April 2023) GEOCON have not responded to my request for a meeting.
If you have any questions regarding the results of the survey or if you have any ideas, recommendations or concerns regarding the Phillip Pool site, please get into contact with my office at or on (02) 6205 1448.