July 2022
I've recently held a series of Neighbourhood Chats across Murrumbidgee. Thank you to everyone who has attended one of the sessions. It's been fantastic to see the level of engagement and interest from across the community.
The sessions have been designed to help me better understand what you see my role as being, as your representative for Murrumbidgee; and how I can best communicate with you, and on your behalf.
I'm looking forward to sharing the insights and learnings in coming weeks and months, and then putting it all to good use to improve my advocacy for you and communication with you.
I also want to thank the team at Rowdy communications who facilitated the sessions, together with consultant Stacey Altoft.
If you'd like to be engaged in this process but didn't get the chance to attend a session, I've developed a brief survey you can complete.
It will take just five minutes and is available here: https://www.campaigncentral.org.au/.../476a7888-bd3c-4e4b...
June 2022
Let’s have better conversations!!
I would like to warmly invite my community to an evening of ideas and collaboration with me – your local Labor member for Murrumbidgee and your representative in the ACTs Legislative Assembly. I want to find out more about what’s important to you, what you want me to advocate for on your behalf, and to co-design a plan about how I can keep you better informed about what’s going on in your neighbourhood
During a fun, collaborative and professionally facilitated session we’ll be asking you nine questions in 90 minutes that will draw out your ideas about how we can better work together. I want to use the time to develop a greater understanding of what you want to see in our community, to understand how I can strengthen my representation and to draw out an understanding of how I can better communicate
with you as your local member.
The Neighbourhood Chats are free ticketed events and will be held:
- Tuesday 14 June 7:00-8:30pm
- Hughes Community Hall, 2 Wisdom Street Hughes
- Please register here
- Tuesday 21 June 7:30-9:00pm
- Weston Neighbourhood Hall, 6 Gritten St Weston
- Please register here
Light snacks will be provided.
Come along, it will be a great opportunity to share ideas about how we can work together.
Alternatively, you can contact me anytime about issues, concerns or ideas you have by emailing me at paterson@parliament.act.gov.au, calling my office on 6205 1448, or getting in touch on my Facebook page (MarisaPatersonMLA) or website: https://www.marisapaterson.com.au/
9 June 2022
Unfortunately, due to low RSVP numbers, the planned Neighbourhood Chat for Molonglo Valley has been cancelled. I apologise for any inconvenience, and I welcome any Molonglo Valley Residents to attend either the Weston Creek or Woden Valley sessions.