03 October 2023
Thank you to everyone who who took part in the Fisher Community Survey. We had 25 respondents and some great engagement from the community.
For those interested I will provide a brief summary of results to the survey below:
- Playgrounds
- Majority (74%) answered they lived near a playground.
- Of that majority 87% answered they though the playground was in need of some maintenance.
- Public Transportation
- 40% of responded were dissatisfied with public transportation
- 45% were indifferent to it/did not use it
- Green space & Environment
- Majority (65%) though access to green space in Fisher is good
- Active Transportation
- 1/3 respondents answered they used active transportation 5 or more times a week.
- 36% of respondents answered they rarely or occasionally used active transport
- Fisher Shops Amenities
- A majority of respondents (57%) responded they were either indifferent or dissatisfied to the amenities provided at Fisher shops.
- Health Services in Weston Ck
- 85% responded that they were satisfied with the accessibility of health services in the area
- Education Services in Weston Ck
- Split fairly evenly between those who were satisfied and dissatisfied
- Safety in Fisher
- 90% of respondents answered that they felt safe in Fisher
- City Services in Fisher
- 65% of respondents were satisfied with mowing, potholes, bin collection and path maintenance.
- Only 4 respondents (20%) were actively dissatisfied with the provision of city services
I will be regularly holding community surveys for other suburbs of Murrumbidgee. If you, your friends or family live somewhere in Woden, Weston Creek or the Molonglo Valley I highly encourage signing up to my regular(-ish!) e-newsletter and following my Facebook page for the latest news.
As always if you have any queries, questions or concerns you can contact me anytime by emailing me at PATERSON@parliament.act.gov.au or calling my office on 6205 1448.
I look forward to working with residents to ensure that Murrumbidgee remains the best place in Canberra to live.