Eating Disorder Petition: Government Response
22 March 2022
The ACT Government has tabled its response to my e-petition, on behalf of local community members, calling for improved support services for people in the ACT experiencing eating disorders. The response incorporates an updated 'ACT Eating Disorders Position Statement' and provides detail on the ‘Expanding Public Health Services for Eating Disorders’ (EPHSED) program and activities.
You can read the Position Statement here.
Encouragingly, the updated Position Statement hinges upon a Territory-Wide Model of Care. The model outlines a stepped approach to eating disorder support services, providing flexibility across the continuum of support from early engagement to ongoing treatment. It recognises the complexity of eating disorders and that they are both a medical and mental illness.
This initiative is a good step forward. There is much more that remains to be done.
I intend to keep pressure on the Government about this important issue - I know how devastating it can be for everyone involved, including family and friends.
I'll be keeping the community updated through my website and e-newsletter, and my Facebook page. And, as always, please don't hesitate to reach out if there's anything in this space I can do to help you or a loved one - 6205 1448;
If you, or someone you know, needs support for an eating disorder please contact The Butterfly Foundation on 1800 334 673